Family Rosary

“You cannot live Faith without community.” 

St. John Paul II

In July 2020, at the beginning of the pandemic, we followed God’s clear call and relocated from the Chicagoland area to Greenville, South Carolina. It was a huge leap of faith for our family, but well worth it!  

In September 2020 we invited a few families over to pray the rosary and have dinner.  It was an opportunity to meet local Catholics and begin new friendships rooted in faith. 

Unbeknownst to us at the time, our casual invite sparked the beginning of a family ministry to which God was calling us to form and cultivate, which became undeniably clear as the months went on. 

Now, just 4 years later, we continue hosting a monthly rosary for local Catholics.  Each month we average between 200 to 300 people that come to our home to pray the rosary together.  It is powerful and beautiful in every way! In addition to praying the rosary, we share a potluck meal together. The fellowship is incredible! 

For more information on how to start a monthly rosary gathering at your home or if you are local and would like to join us, please contact us here: [email protected] 

Rosary in the Up-Country Draws Huge Crowds (Charleston Diocese)